Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm having a hard time posting!!

I can't seem to get started with blogging! I wonder if I am the only one who has had such a problem. I am in the middle of dressing seventy eight children in a play but that is nothing new in my life! I want to begin posting some of my costumes and showing how I've made costumes out of the most random things. I work with a community theater and we are always on a tight budget. I have always had a hard time throwing away things I think I might use (which my daughter says is the reason I should be on the show about hoarders) but I can't tell you how many times I have used "trash" to make a costume. I hope to post pictures of not only my costumes but the organization of my costume shop. We are in the process of arranging my costume shop. I finally have a place to work after all these years. I have a 2200 sq foot wareshouse and it is a disaster right now. I will post the before pictures and you can all start praying for me. It is going to take a miracle to get it straightened out. Tomorrow is another day of working in the shop so maybe by tomorrow night I will have pictures to post. Goodnight...

1 comment:

  1. wa-hoooooo!

    I'm your first follower!
    can't wait to hear all about this organization you work with and see all these fabulous costumes! Love ya!!!
